A Word of Advice // Staying Motivated …

A Word of Advice // Staying Motivated

Hello my darlings!

As you may already now if you read my blog I am in my final year studying History at the University of Leeds, and I am currently writing my dissertation. The majority of my time lately has been occupied by this, but I occasionally get some help from Maurice (my cat) – well I think he is helping! When you have such a large amount of work to do and the sun is shining outside it can be difficult to stay motivated! Here are a few of my tips and tricks to staying motivated, whether you are a student, working from home or just in need of a bit of a nudge …

1) Take a break every once in a while! When studying it is best to take short breaks – so make yourself a cup of tea and grab a biscuit! This will keep you motivated because it will give your brain a chance to re-boot and allow you to relax, preventing you from becoming stressed.

2) Be organised! Plan out what you want to achieve that day. Setting yourself a game plan helps to organise your thoughts, manage your time better, and produce high-quality work.

3) Make sure your goals are attainable! Don’t set yourself goals that there is no realistic chance of you achieving, as this will just result in you feeling bad about your progress and thus unmotivated. Be realistic in what you can achieve that day and you will feel more positive!

4) Have a tick list! Create a tick list and section your day’s workload into sections, then mark off what you have completed. It is important to recognize your progress as you go along because it reminds you that you are moving forward and ever closer to your goals.

5) A clear work-space = a clear mind! Procrastination is a pit we all fear falling in, so remove temptation. Clear your work-space so there isn’t anything for you to fiddle with and distract you. This will help you focus completely on your work. Also avoid social media – you are here to work so don’t get distracted by your friend’s latest tweet or Instagram upload!

6) Make sure you eat and drink! This is so important if you want to stay motivated as work can seem almost impossible if you feel sluggish and dehydrated. So, make sure you drink plenty of water and remember to eat, not just snack.

7) Reward yourself! It is important to remind yourself of your accomplishments as you go along and to reward yourself for them. The rewards can be whatever you like, big or small, maybe a sweet snack or half an hour of television – basically whatever you want.

When trying to stay motivated the most important thing is to make sure that you stay positive and focus on your goals! Brush those negative thoughts away – you don’t need them!

How do you stay motivated?

Lots of Love,

Hannah xx

A Word of Advice // Be happy … don’t worry …

Hello my darlings!

As I have been scrolling through my Instagram feed lately I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people who are doing #100 Happy Days.  The idea of #100 Happy Days is that you begin to see the beauty and happiness in every day, and cherish your own life. I love the idea and I keep meaning to start the challenge (do it here) but for some reason I keep putting it off. So, in the spirit of #100 Happy Days I want to talk about what makes me happy and what it means to be happy …

I feel that I am truly happy in where I am in life at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I still have insecurities, who doesn’t, but I am now confident in who I am. I have realised that I shouldn’t worry so much what other people think and focus on positivity not negativity. I read a blog post recently on katiesbeautyblog.com where she spoke of how you need to learn to love yourself and be happy in your own skin, as this is the only body and self that you will have to live your life – and life is too short to not grab it with both hands!

One the major things I struggled with was what being happy actually meant. I think we sometimes get too consumed with what is supposed to make us happy, and we lose sight of what it is that actually makes us happy. What I am trying to say is that it is okay to not enjoy what other people enjoy, and happiness doesn’t have to manifest itself in the same way. Your definition of what it is to be happy is defined by you and you alone – you can choose to be happy, to see the beauty in every day. It is not always easy, I know that, but when you achieve this it is one of the best feelings in the world.

So, I haven’t got it all figured out yet, I think that is a life-long project, but I think I am on the right path and I plan to keep striving to be happy.

Final word of advice: You should not regret the past, nor fear the future but simply enjoy the present.

What makes you happy? What is your meaning of happiness?

Lots of Love,

Hannah xx