The Liebester Award

Hello my darlings!

The other day I was nominated by Paige from Lady Paige to do the Liebster Award. The Award is for new bloggers to promote their blog and reach new readers.

There are a simple few rules regarding the Liebster Award which include the following…

  • 11 questions, asked by whoever nominated you, must be answered
  • 11 new nominees must be selected by yourself
  • Your chosen nominees must answer a new list of 11 questions, again created by yourself
  • You must notify those you have nominated of their nomination

Where did your blog name come from?

I spent a long time deliberating over what to call my blog before I settled on Promise of a New Day. I think I came up with the name because I wanted the blog, amongst other things, to be a lifestyle blog and thought it only fitting for the title to reflect the possibilities that each fresh day brings to live your life. Cheesy but true!

Apart from the Liebster award post, what was the last blogpost you read?

The last blogpost I read was from the wonderful Love and Lemons blog. It was a recipe for Hazelnut Tahini Pasta which looked absolutely amazing! Love and Lemons is definitely worth a visit if you love healthy but delicious food, all showcased in beautiful photos.

Where is your favourite place to eat out?

It is really difficult for me to decide on my favourite place to eat as it all depends on my mood and what city I find myself in. If I had to pick I would choose Kendell’s Bistro in Leeds (where I go to university) and Moose Coffee in Liverpool. Kendell’s Bistro offers the most amazing French food and the atmosphere is second to none. Moose Coffee is completely different but equally as fantastic. My favourite things to order are the delicious pancake stacks with maple syrup and bacon, and one of the myriad of bagels.

Which types of posts do you most enjoy reading?

I enjoy reading beauty posts, in particular ones that describe a skincare regime, as they get together a range of products and explain why they all work well together. Although I enjoy a review post, I think that those that outline a regime give you so many pointers and ideas to improve your skincare collection.

What is your favourite scent?

At the moment I am loving anything that is vanilla scented! I think that is a wonderfully fresh and sweet (yet not overly so), and perfect for Spring. It is also a great to use in addition to your perfume, just a throw-in your bag scent to provide you with a fresh spritz throughout your day. The one that I am using at the moment is the Body Shop Madagascar Vanilla spray – find it here.

What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?

The most expensive thing (is quite boring) I have ever bought was a racing bike – or maybe it was a mountain bike (I have no idea). I bought it when I was still quite young and it took me a year to save up for it. I have no idea why I bought it as I am not a fan of anything that gets you out of breath – eurgh exercise! I still have it though as it was a women’s bike but it is just gathering dust in my garage.

When was the most you ever laughed?

I can’t think of one specific time where I laughed the most I have ever laughed, but I would say that I laugh the most when I am with my boyfriend, Adam. He just has the ability to have me in fits of laughter when we are together. He is a really fun and relaxed person which I think I need because I can sometimes get quite serious and be too much of a perfectionist, and he just reminds me to relax and not take life so seriously all the time.

What is your biggest regret?

I try not to regret things in my past as I think that when we regret the past and are apprehensive of the future we cannot enjoy the present moment. I wrote a post about this recently – read it here. For this reason I haven’t got a biggest regret because although if I though about it there would be things I would have done differently, all those moments and choices have gotten me to the point where I am today and as I can’t change the past I am making the conscious decision to enjoy the present – life is too short for regrets!

The best book you’ve read?

It is difficult to choose a book which I consider to be the best I have ever read because there are so many. If I had to choose though I would have to say that the best book I have read is 1984 by George Orwell. Even though it was written in 1949 I think this dystopian novel is a timeless classic, with parallels that we can see both in history and in our present world.

If you could do absolutely anything tomorrow, what would you do?

I would pack a rucksack, get on a plane and go back-packing. I have always dreamed of just getting up and going travelling, and if I could go tomorrow that would be the most incredible thing.

If you could have been in any Disney film which character would you have liked to play?

I always wanted to Mulan! I loved how independent she was and how she wasn’t the typical Disney Princess character. I have watched Mulan more times than I can remember and I always really wanted to be friends with Mushu (the little dragon).

I would like to nominate:

I would like to ask my nominees:

  • Why did you start your blog?
  • Who is your favourite blogger at the moment?
  • What style of blog is your favourite to read?
  • What is you favourite beauty product for Spring 2014?
  • What is your favourite fashion trend for Spring 2014?
  • What is your favourite fashion brand?
  • What is the best film you have ever seen?
  • What would you consider your most positive and negative traits?
  • Who is your idol/inspiration?
  • What is your biggest achievement?
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

I would like to say a huge thank-you to Paige from Lady Paige for nominating me – check out her blog here.

Lots of Love,

Hannah xx

One thought on “The LIEBSTER Award

  1. Pingback: Time for a Catch up // April | Promise of a New Day

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